Friday, March 4, 2011

Presentation Project: Goliath and Bebe's World

     Being an animal lover, I chose to do my project on the nonprofit company Goliath and Bebe’s World which is a dedicated no kill animal shelter. I really enjoyed this topic because it gave me an opportunity to discover more about the company. Enjoy!

     In my self-critique, I will admit to being very honest with myself. I believe the flow and sequence of content was very organized, and moved logically from one topic to the next so that the presentation was easy to follow. I included quite a bit of information, which I believe helped to answer questions before they were asked. After reviewing my presentation numerous times, I believe that I was able to answer most question people would have.  Most people are attracted by the site of cute animals, and I used that in my presentation. By including numerous pictures of dogs and other animals that are in need of help at the shelter, I believe the viewer’s attention is grabbed successfully in the first 30-60 seconds.

     I didn’t seem to ask many questions throughout the presentation, but I believe I included a significant amount of information so that the viewer knew everything that was important. I believe I was able to spark the viewer’s curiosity by incorporating pictures, and very real facts of the danger the shelter is in. I validated all my information and media by including all the links to where the information can be found.

     After proofreading my presentation, I was able to successfully avoid inconsistencies and errors, as well as typos and unbelievable claims due to the fact that all my information had cited resources. On avoiding clutter, I was not as successful. I believe my slides are in fact a little cluttered, but I felt the information included was very important and needed to be there. To ensure readability, I made sure the font was large and evenly spaced, and in colors that stood out among the background. Unfortunately, my computer is quite old, and therefore it doesn’t have a microphone. Therefore, all the information has to be read off the slides except for the video I included made by the shelter.

     By critiquing someone else’s presentation, I was able to better see what needed to be fixed in my presentation. I noticed small errors in my presentation I wouldn’t have originally caught. I thought it was a great opportunity to allow us to critique a peer’s presentation because both the author and the peer critiquing the presentation were able to improve on their own project.

     In business, presentations are very common. Getting up in front of a group of executives and giving a horrible presentation makes you and your company look bad.  Having the tools for creating appropriate presentations is priceless for an employee who is looking to make an impact in the business world.  This project, including the self evaluation, taught me that making clear, concise, and interesting projects is a must in order to present information clearly. Doing a self evaluation for the first time, I realized that looking at my presentation from an outsider’s point of view gives me a much better perspective on how my presentation will be seen, which will save me much embarrassment at go time!

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